Er konnte deshalb nur in größeren Städten arbeiten, wo solches nicht zu sehr auffiel; wenn er wanderte und keine Ersparnisse mitführte, geriet er in die größte Not.This is really two sentences separated by a semi-colon. The first sentence here has a main clause and a subordinate clause of location. Roughly translated into English, it is: 'Hence he could only work in larger towns where such a thing did not attract notice'.
So the main clause first. The verb is modified by the modal verb können [to be able] in the past tense. This translates as the special passive taea which means the agent is preceded by e and the action is nominalised:
E taea ana e ia te mahiThe adverbial phrase: in größeren Städten [in larger towns] = i ngā taone nui ake (ake adds the comparative to nui). So (with anake for nur ['only']):
E taea ana e ia te mahi i ngā taone nui ake anakeThe only thing missing now is a way of linking with the previous sentence — 'deshalb' [hence]. For this, the phrase no reira can be used:
No reira e taea ana e ia te mahi i ngā taone nui ake anakeWhich leaves us with the subordinate clause: wo solches nicht zu sehr auffiel ['where such a thing did not attract notice']. The clause is a transformation of: 'such things do not attract notice in larger towns'. The term 'such things' could be expressed as 'the aforementioned' = taua. The verb 'attract notice' = aro (passive suffix = -hia). The construction needed is a negated passive sentence:
kāore taua i arohia i ngā taone nui akeThis now needs to be linked to the main clause. Second thoughts, I'm missing 'zu sehr'. The clause is actually more like: 'where such a thing did not attract too much notice'. I could rephrase that as: 'where such a thing rarely attracted notice'. The word for 'rare' is onge. Rather than apply it to the verb, the standard appears to be to convert the verb into a noun and then apply it as an adjective. So:
Predicate: onge
Subject: te aro o taua āhua ['the attracting notice of that appearance' — the o possessive indicates that the verb is being used passively here (being habitual — a single instance would mean changing aro to aronga]
he onge te aro taua āhuaI added āhua to clarify which things.
Now, to join it to the main clause I need to add the initial phrase i te mea to indicate that it is a clause of reason, and also add a comment of place: i reira ('in the aforementioned place') to connect it to ngā taone. Which gives all up for the first half of the seventh sentence:
No reira e taea ana e ia te mahi i ngā taone nui ake anake i te mea he onge te aro o taua āhua i reira;Any thoughts?