Das Fechten fiel ihm äußerst schwer, ja schien ihm gänzlich unmöglich, weil er über seinem schwarzen Sonntagskleide, welches sein einziges war, einen weiten dunkelgrauen Radmantel trug, mit schwarzem Samt ausgeschlagen, der seinem Träger ein edles und romantisches Aussehen verlieh, zumal dessen lange schwarze Haare und Schnurrbärtchen sorgfältig gepflegt waren und er sich blasser, aber regelmäßiger Gesichtszüge erfreute.The bit up to and including the 'mit schwarzen Samt ausgeschlagen' clause came in the last three posts (now using hinauri for dark-grey):
E kite ana ia he tino uaua tōna inoi, engari te āhua nei, kāore te inoi e taea rawa ana e ia, inā hoki e mau ana ia i te kahu hinauri, i te kahu nui, i te kahu kua tuia ma te hiraka pango, ki waho i tōna kākahu pai rawa atu, i tōna kākahu pango, i tōna kākahu anake …I now need to add the relative clause 'der seinem Träger ein edles und romantisches Aussehen verlieh'.
Subject: der (a relative pronoun referring to the cloak)
Verb: verlieh ['lent' - past tense]
Direct Object: ein edles und romantisches Aussehen ['a noble and romantic look' - romantic in the eighteenth century sense]
Indirect Object: seinem Träger [its wearer]
So I need to insert the following (tuku = to present (which word to use for 'verlieh' [lent] is a big question) and āhua rangatira = noble aspect):
e tuku ana tēnei kahu ki a ia i te āhua rangatiraI've missed out the 'romantisches Aussehen' [romantic look] as I can't seem to find a word for romantic with the right sense.
Rather than a relative clause I will just join them with a conjunction:
E kite ana ia he tino uaua tōna inoi, engari te āhua nei, kāore te inoi e taea rawa ana e ia, inā hoki e mau ana ia i te kahu hinauri, i te kahu nui, i te kahu kua tuia ma te hiraka pango, ki waho i tōna kākahu pai rawa atu, i tōna kākahu pango, i tōna kākahu anake, ā,e tuku ana tēnei kahu ki a ia i te āhua rangatira …The next sentence is prefixed by 'zumal' [particularly] and refers back to the wearer of the cloak with the possessive pronoun 'dessen'.
Subject: dessen lange schwarze Haare und Schnurrbärtchen [whose long black hair and little moustache] = tōna makawe roa me tōna pāhau iti
Verb: gepflegt waren [was tended] = tiaki
Adverb: sorgfältig [carefully] = āta (preposed)
So, as an active sentence:
e āta tiaki ana ia i tōna makawe roa me tōna pāhau itiAnd as passive, dropping the agent:
e āta tiaki ana tōna makawe roa me tōna pāhau itiAnd adding it on, with hoki connecting it as a cause of the previous clause:
E kite ana ia he tino uaua tōna inoi, engari te āhua nei, kāore te inoi e taea rawa ana e ia, inā hoki e mau ana ia i te kahu hinauri, i te kahu nui, i te kahu kua tuia ma te hiraka pango, ki waho i tōna kākahu pai rawa atu, i tōna kākahu pango, i tōna kākahu anake, ā, e tuku ana tēnei kahu ki a ia i te āhua rangatira, e āta tiaki ana hoki tōnu makawe roa me tōna pāhau iti …The last clause breaks down as follows:
Subject: er = ia
Verb: erfreute [enjoy/be blessed with] = hari ?
Object: blasser, aber regelmäßiger Gesichtszüge [pale but regular facial features] = kanohi kiritea, kanohi māori (I haven't figure out how to do the 'aber' [but] so apposition will have to do)
So finally:
E kite ana ia he tino uaua tōna inoi, engari te āhua nei, kāore te inoi e taea rawa ana e ia, inā hoki e mau ana ia i te kahu hinauri, i te kahu nui, i te kahu kua tuia ma te hiraka pango, ki waho i tōna kākahu pai rawa atu, i tōna kākahu pango, i tōna kākahu anake, ā, e tuku ana tēnei kahu ki a ia i te āhua rangatira, e āta tiaki ana hoki tōnu makawe roa me tōna pāhau iti, ā, e hari ana ia i tōna kanohi kiritea, i tōna kanohi māori.Any thoughts?
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