Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Kleider machen Leute: Vb

Back to the fifth and last sentence of the first paragraph:
Das Fechten fiel ihm äußerst schwer, ja schien ihm gänzlich unmöglich, weil er über seinem schwarzen Sonntagskleide, welches sein einziges war, einen weiten dunkelgrauen Radmantel trug, mit schwarzem Samt ausgeschlagen, der seinem Träger ein edles und romantisches Aussehen verlieh, zumal dessen lange schwarze Haare und Schnurrbärtchen sorgfältig gepflegt waren und er sich blasser, aber regelmäßiger Gesichtszüge erfreute.
The first bit before the 'weil' became in the last post:
E kite ana ia he tino uaua tōna inoi, engari te āhua nei, kāore te inoi e taea rawa ana e ia …
The next part is a clause giving the reason ('weil' = 'because') with associated apposition and relative clauses. The basic underlying clause is:
weil er über seinem schwarzen Sonntagskleide […] einen weiten dunkelgrauen Radmantel trug
The bit skipped in the middle is in apposition to 'Sonntagskleide' and what follows (up to 'zumal') is an adverbial clause and a relative clause referring back to 'Radmantel'. The last part ('zumal' onwards) gives reasons for the last relative clause. But let's start with the basic clause:

Subject: er = ia
Verb: trug = e mau ana (progressive aspect)
Object: einen weiten dunkelgrauen Radmantel = he kahu pango, he kahu nui
— Radmantel = kahu [a cloak is quite accurate, I think]
— dunkel = pango [can't figure out dark-'grey']
— weit = nui [works for 'broad' in this context, I think]

Leaving out the prepositional phrase, it is:
e mau ana ia i te kahu pango, i te kahu nui
The prepositional phrase 'über seinem schwarzen Sonntagskleide' [over his black sunday best] requires a locative noun phrase I think.

sein Sonntagskleid = tōna kākahu pai rawa atu

So the sentence 'the cloak was over his best clothes' would, I think, be:
I waho te kahu i tōna kākahu pai rawa atu
And adding the colour, black:
I waho te kahu i tōna kākahu pai rawa atu, i tōna kākahu pango
Now I have to insert this into the sentence as a locative comment:
e mau ana ia i te kahu pango, i te kahu nui, ki waho i tōna kākahu pai rawa atu, i tōna kākahu pango
So I now have the following if I join it to the first clauses with inā hoki ['seeing that']:
E kite ana ia he tino uaua tōna inoi, engari te āhua nei, kāore te inoi e taea rawa ana e ia, inā hoki e mau ana ia i te kahu pango, i te kahu nui, ki waho i tōna kākahu pai rawa atu, i tōna kākahu pango …
Which leaves me with the apposition, relative clauses, etc still to do ;-)

Any thoughts?

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